When purchasing jewelry it is highly recommended to get a jewelry appraisal with your purchase.
An appraisal is an important document used to establish the value of your diamonds, watches, antique jewelry, or other fine items.
Appraisals are mainly for insurance companies so that the piece can be added to an insurance policy.
In the unfortunate event that the piece is stolen, broken, or lost, this appraisal will identify the piece and state its value, so it can be fairly replaced.
In addition to insurance appraisals, families and lawyers often request jewelry appraisals for estate planning, or to divide jewelry on an equal basis.
At Gem Jewelers Co. We offer the service of jewelry appraisals for purchase with any piece, or by sending us an already owned jewelry piece to get appraised by a certified gemologist.
Please contact us to get your appraisal today
(213) 436-4365